Our Location

600 East Third Street
Sedalia,MO 65301

Our Hours

Monday – Friday: 9 AM – 5 PM



Sedalia is a thriving, diverse community, home to both large and small businesses. More than 40 industries in the Pettis County area account for 24 percent of the personal income generated. Manufacturing employment represents 28 percent of all jobs in Sedalia and Pettis County. Pettis County is 685 square miles, and has 57.5 people per square mile.

Economic Development Sedalia Pettis County:

Our City’s economic and industrial development efforts are led by the Economic Development Sedalia Pettis county. EDSPC’s focus is the retention, expansion and recruitment of companies within our targeted industries including manufacturing, warehouse and distribution, logistics, headquarters, professional firms, green energy and technology. With over 70 manufacturing and industrial-related businesses, Sedalia serves as hub of commerce for the greater region. Within the past 10 years, Economic Development has assisted 58 companies build new and expanded facilities resulting in $615 million of capital investment and 2,332 new jobs with a total new annual payroll of nearly $103 Million. During a time when most communities saw a decline in businesses due to the recession, Sedalia and Pettis County continued to move forward thanks to a proactive economic development approach. professional focused businessmen working with papers and digital tablet in office


Jessica Craig, Executive Director
Economic Development Sedalia-Pettis County

Major Employers

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